The HHFA aims to collect data that are comparable over time, within countries (across provinces or districts) and across countries. To achieve this, the HHFA provides a standardized set of core and additional questions. Typically, a country adopts the core questions, with adaptations to certain country-specific elements. Additional questions can be included when further detail is needed, based on country priorities. The questions are organized into various questionnaires, based on the relevant HHFA module, the use of core and additional questions, and the data collection method required.
HHFA questionnaires are designated as “Core”, “Core+Additional” and/or “Supplementary”. A Core questionnaire contains only core questions. A Core+Additional questionnaire contains both core and additional questions. A Supplementary questionnaire does not include questions from other HHFA questionnaires and may collect data through a different modality (e.g. record review). HHFA questionnaires are available in “stand-alone” and “combined” formats. Each of the four HHFA modules includes one or more stand-alone questionnaires that are specific to the module. Combined core questionnaires contain all the core questions from all three facility audit modules: Availability, Readiness, and Management and finance modules, or from a combination of any two of these modules. The combined questionnaires are designed to ensure streamlined data collection when integrating modules. The Service Availability, Readiness, and Management and finance modules use a facility audit data collection methodology, based on key informant interviews and observation. The Quality of Care module uses a record review methodology, based on review of a sample of individual patient records. When implementing a single HHFA module, the relevant stand-alone questionnaire is used. Within a module, EITHER the Core OR the Core+Additional questionnaire is used. (The Core+Additional includes all the questions of the Core questionnaire.) A Supplementary questionnaire can implemented alone, or along with other questionnaires. If a country chooses to implement multiple HHFA facility audit modules, the combined Core questionnaire should be used.
Combined Core : Service Availability, Readiness, Management and finance
Combined Core + Additional : Service Availability, Readiness, Management and finance